
If you are ready...
The Dominator® is a process to obtain success.
No tricks.
No gimmicks.
No breaking the rules.
What does it mean to dominate?
The Dominator®, like all successful leaders, possesses
the authority and the power to control, govern, and rule its market.
That power is achieved by playing-by and leveraging ALL the rules
of the game.
The Dominator® exerts supreme guiding influence on
and over its marketplace.
You might say, The Dominator® meets all of the definitions
of its name - from a vantage point that overlooks all of the other
If you are ready...
Ask Sigma One Group for an invitation to The Dominator®
The Dominator® is built upon scientific study and research,
professional analysis, and logical valid conclusions. It is an
online marketing program, not just a website, that far exceeds
The Dominator® is a trademark and a service mark for
a certified online marketing process. Participation is by invitation
only. Market positions are limited.