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Sigma One Group Inc.
T: (920) 383-1964
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A Beginning Place

Is your Website W3C compliant??

W3C is an acronym for World Wide Web Consortium, and while you may not have heard of them before now, they set the standards for the World Wide Web and websites on the web.

Structure and content are critically important to the success of a website. The most frequent abuses of the ethical and Internet standards of W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) are headers used excessively and needlessly, scripts written improperly, and keywords used improperly.

W3C provides a free tool for you to evaluate your website for compliance under the W3C professional and ethical standards of website development and code:

For a list of website development agencies who build websites in accordance with W3C standards, click W3C Compliant Website.

Domain Names
Whois Data Reminder Policy

At least annually, a registrar must present to the registrant the current Whois information, and remind the registrant that provision of false Whois information can be grounds for cancellation of their domain name registration. Registrants must review their Whois data, and make any corrections. (See ICANN website for more information).

Check your domain registration information (Type it in the WhoIs lookup).

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization has become as important, if not more important than belonging to the right golf club.

Net Neutrality

Net what? Net neutrality refers to the fact that nobody ought to be able to exercise full control over the Internet, or for that matter, over any sector on the Internet. Click here for more information about Net Neutrality

Yahoo! That AOL

AOL has changed the way they do business online. Previously, subscribers were required to purchase AOL services before they could access the tremendous online AOL community; today, AOL announced that they would make their online community available to non-subscribers. AOL says that they will offer their dashboard online like Yahoo.

Don't "click here" & Don't "contact us"

How often do you see a hyperlink on the words "click here" or a link to a contact page that says "contact us"? For the typical website developer, it is nearly second nature to link information on a page to another page on the words "click here", and to link to the contact page for the law firm, the agency, or the business on the words "contact us". When you review your website before publication, be sure to watch out for those links. (Why you should not do the "click here" and "contact us" link).



Disclaimer Notice

The information on this website is generalized and not intended as advice or a consultation as it may not apply to your particular market conditions or needs. If you have any questions or if we may be of assistance, please contact a web developer, server technical, or manager at Sigma One Group. Copyright Sigma One Group 2006-2008.

Telephone: (920) 383-1964

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